
Credits and Features

If you see an error in these credits, please tell us.

Essence (Series Publishers)




Individuals and Guests


  • Jam (IS) (Nerve Axis)
  • Marc (DE) (Sector 7)
  • Spoon (IS) (Nerve Axis)



Release Features

TitleTypeAuthorcontained asYear

Jam & Spoon
The Player 6.1A
added 3/97

The Player 6.1A
added 3/97


Direct Files

Files From Features



Long time scene gone Rufferto has pixelled all the fonts, that have been in use since the very beginnings of the ROM saga.

ESCROM06.DMS P 819159  03-15-96  ROM Issue #6

ASCII Art File Info (.diz file)

   ·e·s·s·e·n·c·e· ·b·r·i·n·g·s· ·y·o·u·
     _______     _______     _____._____.
  .__\____  \_._/   .   \_._/   _ ' _   |
  |     _/  __l_    |     l\_    \_/    l_
..l___  :      /__  '      /\_____|      /
    :.......................:    :........:
              ·i·s·s·u·e· ·6·

Party Invitations

Invitation to Abduction 3 - 1996

Abduction 1996

You've got to fight for your right to party 

Abduction 1996 will be held between the 7 and 9 of June, this time in Oulu, Finland. The party place is easily accessible by bus, train, aeroplane or car. The entrance fee is expected to be 100 FIM (about 22 USD); Of course, girls can get in for free! The raised money will be given away in competition prizes.

Party features

The party hall will have enough electricity, space, tables and bathrooms for everybody, with a big sleeping 
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Invitation to Convention 96

ETHIC, TRSI and REMEDY have the pleasure to invite you to The Convention 1996. The party will start on Saturday, 2 April 1996 at 16:00 CET and end on Sunday, 3 April at 09:00 CET.

The event will be held near Berlin, the capital of Germany. The exact address is:
Blauhaus Potsdam
Heinrich-Mann-Allee 103
14473 Potsdam

The main hall is big enough for about 500 people. There will also be a cafeteria and an extra quite place to talk in piece. The cafeteria will offer the usual snacks and be
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Invitation to Remedy 1996

LIMITED EDITION (AMIGA), DCS GRAPHICS (AMIGA) and CANDELA (PC) have the pleasure to invite you to the "Remedy Party 1996", which is going to be taking place in the up-coming summer, and lasting from the 14 to the 17 June 1996.

Country: SWEDEN


-2500 metres square of floor space.

-Lots of tables (but booking is recommended to guarantee a seat).

-A bigger sound system than last time!

-Bigger screen than last year's party for showing demos,
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Invitation to Symposium 1996

Symposium 1996 will be held on Easter 1996, and will last from the 5th to the 8th April 1996. The party place is situated somewhere in Hamburg, Germany...


Once upon a time, there was a German party called 680xx Convention in Hamburg - and it was, compared to other German events, a great success, because nearly 500 people showed up.
Once upon a time, there was another German party called BlackBox Symposium 95 with 300 people, also held in Hamburg, which was a full success too, eve
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Invitation to Saturne Party 3 1996

Saturne is once again very proud to invite you to the 1996 edition of the Easter French event, this year lasting from the 26 to the 28 April 1996.


Like both of our first parties, this year's edition will be taking place at the Cultural Centre of Chelles. This hall, situated in the East suburb of Paris, is quite new and disposes of all the features for a good party; Phones, WCs and FREE showers in the very proximity...

A high school situated near the party place (about 100 m away
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Party Reports

Report on Juhla 96

JUHLA 1996

Juhla had the opportunity to be the first party to open the scene-virgin year of 1996. A previously PC dominated event, this year's Juhla saw it fit to organise Amiga-related contests. The 3-day long party opened it's doors on the 19 January, and was held at the assembly hall of "Yla Savon Ammattioppilatos", a small school situated in Iisalmi, Finland.

A total number of 250 persons showed up, including visitors, VIS, organizers and security, making Juhla one of the many typical Fin
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Report on The Party 1995

Amiga Demo Competition b

01. Closer by CNCD with 1662 points
02. Vision by Oxygene with 613 points
03. Faktory by Virtual Dreams with 329 points
04. Passengers by the 3 Little Elks with 315 points
05. Crazy Sexy Cool by EssEncE with 312 points
06. Corona by Embassy with 255 points
07. CyberLogik by TRSi Recordz & Alcatraz with 252 points
07. 9 by Spoon with 252 points
08. No! by Polka Brothers with 202 points
09. Galerie by Stellar with 192 points
10. The Demo by Mystic with 191 points
11. Drea
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